Stories 02/03/2025 22:36

Controversial Hospital Stories That Spiked Our Heart Rates

It's scary for anyone to be in the hospital, and that goes double for anyone who has to deal with personal disputes while they're in such a vulnerable place. The Reddit thread r/AmItheA**hole is filled with people sharing their most polarizing hospital-related situations. Whether it be stories about refusing to be with your child in the hospital or anger over the behavior of healthcare workers, these scenarios show that the hospital can be a stressful place for all involved. 

Read through these stories and help determine who is in the right in each case.

Stories have been edited for length and clarity. 


  • 1

    AITA For Coming To The Hospital To See My Ex After Her Son Called Me?

    7 years ago I started dating a woman, let's call her Maya. She has a son, Mark. He was 4 when I started dating Maya. Mark's father, Maya's husband, unfortunately passed away when he was still a baby so he has no memory of him.

    Me and Maya got along quite well and our relationship proceeded steadily and without too many problems. In time, I built a good relationship with Mark too and by the time he was 7, we were a good trio. Unfortunately my relationship with Maya ended 2 years ago. It was nobody's fault. There was no cheating or abuse involved. We simply had some problems and we came to the conclusion it was better to break up.

    Last week I got a call in the middle of the night: it was Mark calling. When I was still dating Maya, I had given him my phone number and told him to call if he was ever in trouble and needed help. He had never called since me and Maya broke up but that night he was panicking; he called and he told me that he and Maya had a car accident. He was ok but Maya was injured and they had been taken to the hospital. I pondered on what to do but decided to go to the hospital. Maya has no living relatives and Mark told me he was alone so I went there mostly to take care of Mark.

    When I arrived, Maya was still unconscious so I stayed with Mark for several hours, until she regained consciousness. When she saw me, she asked why I was there and I told her about Mark calling me.

    She said I should not have come and forced me to leave. At the time, I apologized and left because I thought I had overstepped her boundaries but now, thinking back, I don't think I did anything wrong. Mark was panicking and he called the person he wanted by his side in that moment. Was it wrong for me to come? AITA?

  • 2

    AITA For Not Being A Chatty Cathy With My Hospital Roommate?

    I (30F) had surgery earlier today.

    I gave birth to a baby six months ago. There was a [complication] which could not have been able to be operated on at the time.

    So I was the first surgery for the day (the nurses kept mentioning it), after recovering I was brought to my observation ward.

    About an hour or so later I had a roommate (40ish F) joined. I had been watching tv shows on my iPad with the volume on loud. As soon as she arrived, I put my airpods in as a curtesy to her.

    Later in the afternoon my husband brought our baby to come and see me. As soon as they left, roommate started up a conversation. I was polite and entertained the conversation for about 30 mins. I apologized to cut the conversation short but I was going to have a nap, well she got all huffy and rude staying I was selfish.

    When I woke up from the nap, roommate was no longer there. I called for pain meds and the nurse said I must have really said something to her, as while I was asleep, she demanded to be moved to a different room, and that I should be kinder with my words.

    I feel that I’m not the a**hole for wanting to sleep to recover, it could be the meds I’m on but I feel horrible.

    Well I have a small update;

    I am in a private hospital, for my admission I did request a private room but it is not always guaranteed. Yesterday and today were the last days for “elective” surgery.

    To my surprise an old classmate works in the recovery ward and didn’t want to freak me out yesterday by visiting. She texted me saying she saw my name and then me in the ward yesterday, this morning she came by before she started her shift. We had a lovely conversation and she got to meet my little one as my in laws came by to visit as they are baby sitting for him. It was a wonderful silver lining as I hadn’t seen my classmate for about 6 years.

    Turns out the former roommate was never [meant] to be put in a room with me as there is a lot of empty rooms, my new morning nurse said that the former roommate was still complaining about me and whole lot more. She was doing laps up and down the ward, and made a comments to my mother in law about how rude I am as they were leaving. Mother in law told her to shut up and focus on her own recovery instead of worrying about other people.

    I get discharged tomorrow morning, so I am trying to rest up before I am back with my little family.

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