Health News 04/03/2025 20:16

Flu Season is Approaching? Doctors Warn: "2 Things to Avoid, 2 Foods to Eat More" – Knowing Early Will Benefit You!

Every year, the peak season for influenza A (H1N1) arrives quietly with changing weather conditions. Recently, the number of flu patients visiting hospital emergency rooms has increased significantly.

Have you ever wondered why some people remain unaffected even when exposed to flu-prone environments, while others easily become "targets" for the virus?

As a doctor, I’ve observed that influenza A is not just linked to external environmental factors—it’s more about an individual’s immune resistance, daily habits, and self-care practices.

After treating many flu patients, I’ve noticed a pattern: most of them share certain seemingly insignificant habits that actually have a major impact on their risk of infection.

So, what should we do during the peak flu season to prevent and reduce the risk of infection? Remember the "2 things to avoid, 2 foods to eat more" rule to protect your health!

🚫 2 Things to AVOID Drinking

1. Avoid Drinking Cold Water

I once treated a long-haul truck driver. He had a relatively healthy lifestyle—he ate well and had no bad habits.

However, due to long driving hours, he had a habit of drinking cold water, even on chilly mornings.

After examination, we found that prolonged consumption of cold water had negatively affected his digestive system and immune function.

Cold water stimulates the gastrointestinal lining, causing blood vessels to constrict, slowing intestinal movement, and weakening the body’s natural defense barrier. This makes it easier for viruses to invade and attack.

Research has shown that low temperatures can suppress immune function. During flu season, the more cold water you drink, the more vulnerable your body becomes to infections.

👉 Doctor’s Advice: Drink warm or room-temperature water, especially in the morning and during cold weather, to support your immune system.

2. Avoid Sugary Drinks

A female patient of mine worked a busy office job and often had to stay up late. To relieve stress, she frequently consumed soft drinks and packaged fruit juices.

During flu season, she contracted influenza A and experienced more severe symptoms than others, despite having minimal exposure to infected individuals.

Upon closer examination, I found that her daily sugar intake was excessively high—this was the key factor in her weakened immune system.

Studies show that sugar suppresses white blood cell function, making the body less efficient at fighting viruses. Even a single high-sugar meal can weaken the immune system for several hours.

👉 Doctor’s Advice: Reduce sugary drinks like soda, packaged fruit juices, and bubble tea. Instead, opt for plain water, unsweetened lemon water, or herbal tea to boost immunity.

2 Foods to EAT MORE

1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

I once treated a 50-year-old farmer who had a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

She rarely consumed sugary drinks, ate little meat, and made sure her meals were packed with leafy greens and fresh fruits.

Interestingly, while those around her caught influenza A, she remained healthy.

The reason? Her nutrient-rich diet helped strengthen her immune system.

Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, which protect immune cells and enhance the body’s defense against viruses.

👉 Doctor’s Advice: Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, oranges, grapefruits, and kiwis—they are rich in essential nutrients that help fight off infections.

2. Eat More High-Quality Protein

Besides vitamin C, protein is also crucial for a strong immune system.

One of my patients, a construction worker, had a poor diet that mainly consisted of rice, bread, and fast food, with very little meat or fish.

When he caught influenza A, his symptoms were more severe, lasted longer, and his recovery was much slower than usual.

This is because immune cells, antibodies, and cytokines all rely on protein to function properly. Without enough protein, the immune system weakens, making the body more susceptible to infections.

👉 Doctor’s Advice: Ensure adequate protein intake from high-quality sources such as chicken, fish, eggs, soy products, yogurt, and almonds to support immune function.

🎯 Conclusion: Strengthen Your Immune System with Small Changes

The peak season for influenza A is always a concern, but by making simple lifestyle adjustments, you can significantly reduce your risk of infection.

📌 Remember the "2 Things to Avoid, 2 Foods to Eat More" rule:
AVOID drinking cold water – to protect digestion and immune function.
AVOID sugary drinks – to prevent white blood cell suppression.
EAT more vegetables and fruits – to boost antioxidants and immunity.
EAT more high-quality protein – to keep your immune system strong.

💡 Start implementing these changes today to protect yourself and your family from influenza A!

📢 Do you have any personal tips for boosting immunity during flu season? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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